Maidenhead Cycle Hub joined forces with Adobe to deliver a teambuilding event as part of Adobe’s two day internal conference.
MCH provided 10 part built children’s bikes, a bag full of bike accessories and 10 helmets and safety jackets. The aim of the team build exercise was for 50 members of staff to split into 10 groups of 5, their task was to finish building the bike with very limited instructions. Once the bike was built they had to decorate it with various children’s accessories, as well as decorate a helmet and safety jacket with their team name, a name they had to choose. They had 2 hours to complete the challenge.
Once all bikes were built and checked by our head mechanic each team member had to race the bike around a course that was set-up, in a relay race. Awards were given for the fastest build, best team name, best decorated helmet, race winners.
Four volunteers, the events officer and head mechanic from MCH along with 50 members of Adobe staff thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon.
As a special addition the 10 bikes were then donated to another local charity SportsAble.
“Maidenhead Cycle Hub were marvellous when it came to helping us pull together a team building event, with short notice they turned around an amazing event and everyone had a fantastic time. There was something fun, something challenging and a benefit for two local charities, we couldn’t has asked for more.”