Cycling to work is a great way to exercise and save both time and money. Commuting by bike can seem daunting the first time, so here are our top tips to make your journey as easy as possible:
Make Sure Your Bike Is Ready
If you haven’t used your bike in a while you should inspect it a couple of days before you plan to use it.
Clean your bike and check for cracks or signs of damage in the frame
Inflate both tyres – flat tyres don’t always mean a puncture. Pump them up and see if they hold air overnight
Spin both wheels to check they rotate freely without any wobbling or rubbing on the brakes
Check both sets of brakes work. Test by applying each of the brakes in turn and pushing the bike forward/backwards. In each case the wheel should be tightly locked and should resist your movement of the bike.
Head out for a short ride to check all the gears are working smoothly
If you have any concerns about your bike, Cycle Hub can take a look to make sure everything is in working order.

Wear The Right Clothing For Your Journey
Keep protected and highly visable.
For shorter commutes you may be happy to cycle in your work clothes
For longer journeys make sure you are comfortable and protected from the great british weather
Wear colourful or hi-vis clothing to make you more visible to other road users
If your office has a shower, keep a bag with towel and shower essentials at work. Alternatively use cleansing wipes and deodorant to freshen up
Don’t forget to pack your work clothes!
Plan Your Route
It’s always a good idea to research the best route to work to avoid any surprises.
Do a trial ride to see how long it takes and if there are cycle paths you can use
Check that there is somewhere secure to leave your bike at work when you arive
You don’t have to cycle the whole distance. You can cycle part of the route and then jump on a bus or train

Stay Safe !
Don’t take unnecessary risks
Wear a helmet
Use both front and rear lights
Be aware of drivers’ blind spots, especially trucks and buses. If there’s any doubt, hang back
Pay attention and be aware of what other road users might do
Obey traffic rules – don’t jump red lights, signal clearly when turning
Ride in a straight line past parked cars, don’t dodge between them
Obey the highway code