Dr Bike events are designed to keep people’s bikes in safe and reliable condition.

Our mechanics spend approximately 30 mins on each bike, carrying out a light service and where necessary replacing consumable parts, and carrying out minor repairs. We will not charge for labour or the first £5 of parts required to rectify faults we find, if the cost of parts exceeds £5 we will charge the excess amount. 90+% of bikes we repair incur no charge.

Dr Bike is only suitable for bikes that are in usable or near-usable condition, as 30 mins is not long enough to carry out extensive work.

When the work has been completed you’ll receive a report detailing all the work carried out on your bike, and any ‘advisory’ work that is beyond the scope of Dr Bike.

To help our qualified mechanics check as many bikes as possible, we ask that owners bring clean bikes in for the checks between 8-9am. When the work on your bike is completed we will send you a text message on the number provided so you can pick your bike up.

Please complete the registration form below and we will confirm your booking accordingly.

By submitting the form below you are also giving your consent for Cycle Hub to pass your details onto our sponsors as our funding partner.